EUROSLA - the European Second Language Association


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Eurosla Monographs Series, 1




Eurosla Monographs 1 cover


Edited by Inge Bartning, Maisa Martin and Ineke Vedder

Eurosla Monographs Series, 1 (2010).

 ISBN 978-1-4466-6993-8




The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has become the yardstick for teaching and testing language skills in Europe and elsewhere. Yet little is known about the relationships between the communicative levels established using the can-do statements of the CEFR and the developmental stages of grammatical and lexical development described by Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research.

This book presents empirical research by members of the SLATE network (Second Language Acquisition and Testing in Europe), aimed at bridging this gap. Authors come from the fields of Language Testing and Second Language Acquisition and the chapters contained here demonstrate the fruitfulness of such an interdisciplinary collaboration.

The studies deal with several target languages, including Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish, with adult, adolescent and child learners in both formal and informal contexts. This variety of data and approaches witnesses the possibilities and challenges involved in such bridge-building efforts.



Table of contents

Inge Bartning, Maisa Martin and Ineke Vedder

Developmental stages in second-language acquisition and levels of second-language proficiency: Are there links between them?
Jan H. Hulstijn, J. Charles Alderson and Rob Schoonen

Designing and assessing L2 writing tasks across CEFR proficiency levels
Riikka Alanen, Ari Huhta and Mirja Tarnanen

On Becoming an Independent User
Maisa Martin, Sanna Mustonen, Nina Reiman and Marja Seilonen

Communicative Adequacy and Linguistic Complexity in L2 writing
Folkert Kuiken, Ineke Vedder and Roger Gilabert

Exemplifying the CEFR: criterial features of written learner English from the English Profile Programme
Angeliki Salamoura and Nick Saville

Can linguistic features discriminate between the communicative CEFR-levels? A pilot study of written L2 French
Fanny Forsberg and Inge Bartning

Doing interlanguage analysis in school contexts
Gabriele Pallotti

Discourse connectives across CEFR-levels: A corpus based study
Cecilie Carlsen

The development of vocabulary breadth across the CEFR levels. A common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum
guidelines, examinations, and textbooks across Europe
James Milton

Linking L2 proficiency to L2 acquisition: Opportunities and challenges of profiling research
Jan H. Hulstijn

Language testing-informed SLA? SLA-informed language testing?
J. Charles Alderson

About the authors



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© The Authors 2010. Published under the Creative Commons "Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0" license


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EUROSLA \A9 2007

Communicative proficiency and linguistic development: intersections between SLA and language testing research