Executive Committee

Roger Gilabert, University of Barcelona (1st term)

Aline Godfroid, Michigan State University (1st term)
Simone Pfenninger, University of Salzburg (2nd term)

Jonas Granfeldt, Lund University (1st term)

Vanessa De Wilde, Ghent University (1st term)

Ordinary members
Marije Michel, University of Groningen (2nd term)
Matthew Pattemore, University of Groningen (1st term)
Monika Schmid, University of York (2nd term)

ECR representative
Saioa Cipitria, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Co-opted members for 2023-24
Pascale Leclercq, Montpellier 3
Clare Wright, University of Leeds

Ex officio members
Amanda Edmonds, Université Côte d’Azur (editor of the EuroSLA Studies series)
Sarah Liszka, University of Greenwich (editor of JESLA)
Danijela Trenkic, University of York (website and social media)

This committee was elected at the EuroSLA Annual General Meeting in Birmingham in September 2023, to serve the period 2023 – 2025.