Grants and awards

The winners of the 2016 EuroSLA Distinguished Scholar award, Carmen Muñoz, and of the 2016 EuroSLA Yearbook prize, Yoshiyuki Nakata.
The winners of the 2016 EuroSLA Distinguished Scholar award, Carmen Muñoz, and of the 2016 EuroSLA Yearbook prize, Yoshiyuki Nakata.

EuroSLA annually sponsors a number of workshops organised by members of the associoation. More information is available here.

Since 2014, EuroSLA annually presents a distinguished scholar award.

An annual prize is awarded for the best contribution to JESLA (previously the EuroSLA yearbook).

Kirsti Pällin (Tallinn University), one of the winners of the 2015 student travel grants, receiving her grant from EuroSLA president Florence Myles and treasurer Folkert Kuiken.

There are student stipends available for participation in EuroSLA conferences, usually as a travel grant of EUR 300. In years where conferences are entirely online, the grant is given in the form of a conference fee waiver. More information is available on the conference websites (for the list of all conferences and their websites, click here, for a list of all winners of the student stipend since 2012, click here.)


