Workshop grant winners

The following workshops, organised by EuroSLA members, have received funding from EuroSLA:

Clare Wright (University of Leeds), Anne Marie Devlin (University of Cork) and Annarita Magliacane (ECR, University of Liverpool). What’s the point of study abroad? Key challenges and methodologies for study abroad research post-pandemic

Júlia Barón & Roger Gilabert (Universitat de Barcelona). New Advances in L2 Pragmatics and Technology.

Karen Roehr-Brackin, Faith Chiu, Eva Gutiérrez-Sigut & Ramya Maitreyee, (University of Essex). Language learning in older adults: Interdisciplinary perspectives.

Jacopo Saturno & Przemysław Gębal (University of Warsaw). Intercomprehension-based L2 learning and teaching.

Francesca LaMorgia and team (Trinity College Dublin). Second language acquisition in children with speech, language and communication difficulties.

Pilar García Mayyo and team (Universidad del País Vasko – UPV/EHU). The oral-written connection in the learning of second/foreign languages.

Rebekah Rast and Marzena Watorek (Université Paris 8, The American University of Paris, Structures Formelles du Langage, CNRS). Pushing for precision on initial input processing in SLA: Are we speaking the same language?

Christos Pliatsikas and team (Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism, University of Reading). Bi-/Multilingualism and the Declining Brain: Current evidence and future directions

Dr Adela Ganem, Prof. Florence Myles, Dr Sonja Eisenbeiss, and Prof. Monika Schmid (University of Essex). The role of interaction in language development and loss throughout the lifespan

Carmen Pérez Vidal and team (Universitat Pompeu Frabra, Barcelona)- The effect of different learning contexts on linguistic and non-linguistic development: Study Abroad (SA), Immersion (IM) and Formal Instruction (FI). Focusing on data collection instruments and approaches to instrument design.

Kristof Baten & Saartje Verbeke (University of Ghent)
‘L2 Acquisition of Alignment Patterns: Case and Agreement’

Alex Housen, Michel Pierrard, Manon Buysse & Bastien De Clercq (Free University of Brussels)
‘Multiple Perspectives on Clause Linking in Second Language Acquisition’

Joan Carles Mora, Roger Gilabert & Carmen Muñoz (University of Barcelona)
‘Reliability and Validity of Instruments and Measures in SLA Research: Facing Dilemmas in Data Selection, Analysis and Reporting’

Patrick Rebuschat (Lancaster University)
New Directions in the Study of Implicit and Explicit L2 Learning

Monika Schmid (University of Essex), Merel Keijzer and Anna Pot (University of Groningen) & Mike Sharwood Smith (Heriot Watt University)
Bilingualism and Cognitive Aging

Maria del Pilar Garcia Mayo (University of the Basque Country)
Child Foreign Language Acquisition

Pascale Leclercq (Paul Valéry University Montpellier) & Martin Howard (University College Cork)
The Expression of Temporality by L2 Learners of French and English: Acquisition of Tense, Aspect, Modality

Elsa Tragant, Carmen Muñoz & Roger Gilabert (University of Barcelona)
‘Mixed Methods in SLA: Benefits and Challenges’