JESLA Special Issue in honour of Vivian Cook: Call for papers

To commemorate the legacy of Vivian Cook, founder of EuroSLA, we have launched a Special Issue Call for JESLA at our conference at Fribourg in August 2022. This Special Issue calls for an interdisciplinary range of papers that are grounded in a specific aspect of Vivian’s contributions to second language research, such as multi-competence, bilingual … Continue reading JESLA Special Issue in honour of Vivian Cook: Call for papers

Call for papers for the EuroSLA-supported event “Intercomprehension-based L2 learning and teaching”

***********Call for Papers*********** Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the international conference “Intercomprehension-based L2 learning and teaching” (University of Gdańsk (Poland) / online, 2-3 December 2022). The conference focusses on the acquisition and teaching of second/foreign languages by speakers of genealogically and/or typologically close languages (L1 or L2). It is articulated into three non-parallel … Continue reading Call for papers for the EuroSLA-supported event “Intercomprehension-based L2 learning and teaching”

New EuroSLA Keynote article in JESLA

JESLA is proud to announce a double-length article by Nick Ellis in its EuroSLA Keynotes section:   Ellis, N. C. (2022). Second language learning of morphology. Journal of the European Second Language Association, 6, 34–59.

New JESLA paper

A new JESLA paper available to read: Rousse-Malpat, A., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & Verspoor, M. (2022). Communicative language teaching: Structure-Based or Dynamic Usage-Based? Journal of the European Second Language Association, 6(1), 20–33. DOI: To submit your own work to JESLA, visit Quick turnaround. All work is open access. Article Processing Charges are covered … Continue reading New JESLA paper

Journal of EUROSLA (JESLA) – submit by 1 June for publication in 2022

(From Sarah Liszka and the JESLA editorial team) Dear EuroSLA member, We look forward to receiving your submissions for JESLA 2022!  JESLA publishes the best peer-reviewed work by EuroSLA members. Papers can be submitted at any point, with the advantages of no-cost open access, and fast turnaround; typically, time between submission and publication is 6-9 … Continue reading Journal of EUROSLA (JESLA) – submit by 1 June for publication in 2022