Call for proposal for a special issue in JESLA; deadline 15 January 2024

***Sent on behalf of the members of the JESLA editorial team***

Invitation to submit a proposal for a Guest Edited Special Collection for JESLA

The Journal of the European Second Language Association (JESLA) invites members to submit a proposed call to the Journal for a thematic Guest-Edited Special Collection. Calls are invited on an annual basis on January 15 of each year, with an expected timeline of about 12-18 months year to publication. One call can be accepted each year, though in exceptional circumstances, two may be accepted.

Guest Editors should be members of EuroSLA of good standing, in line with JESLA practice, but submissions from contributing authors can be accepted from non-members. Each Collection would be expected to have around 8-10 papers, including an introduction from the Guest Editor(s). Each article has a word limit of around 8500 words including references. As JESLA is a Diamond Open Access publication, there are no article-processing charges incurred by authors.

Themed Special Collection proposals are welcome from across the full range of second language research areas and paradigms, whether empirical, theoretical and methodological, in line with JESLA’s research breadth. No specific theories or approaches are given preference, but articles must meet JESLA’s standards of academic rigour and requirements for original research, and cannot be published elsewhere. Work from early career researchers is encouraged.

Special Collections would be an ideal format for publications arising from a themed research workshop or colloquium (e.g., those funded by EuroSLA or from other similar network activities) or as a way of sharing current developments in an area for the benefit of open science.

Guest editors should directly invite their contributors. However, they might also want to put out a ‘rapid-response’ open call, to ensure that they are gathering the best of the relevant field. The call can be distributed round the EuroSLA membership list and social media, alongside other routes that guest editor(s) can use via their existing networks.

Proposals should include: a general description of the issue and its potential contribution to the field (maximum 800 words); a list of proposed contributors and article abstracts (300-400 words each abstract); an indicative timeline; the name(s) and qualifications of the guest editor(s), including relevant editing experience (maximum 300 words per editor).

Guest editors are expected to work with the JESLA editorial team through initial scrutiny of submitted abstracts and will take responsibility for suggesting suitable reviewers and assisting with prompt reviews. Editors are responsible for ensuring that articles are submitted in line with the Journal’s formatting guidelines and other information on the Journal’s webpages ( Papers will go out to review through the journal platform in line with standard publications, and the editorial team will review the final collection before publication.

Note that one of JESLA’s principal values is to offer speedy turnaround. Once a proposal is accepted, we anticipate the publication to come out within 12-18 months. Thus, a realistic timescale for this kind of turnaround should be included in the proposal.

For more information, please visit the JESLA website or email the Journal Editor, Sarah Liszka,